GFAR Board of Directors Elections for 2024 - What you need to know
It is that time of the year already?! Each year GFAR nominates and elects positions that make up our governing Board of Directors. For the year 2024, the following positions are open for application:
- President-Elect
- Vice President
- Local Director
- State Director (3x)
Completed applications must be received by 5:00 pm on Friday, August 18th, 2023.
The Nominating Task Force will review and advance forward to the ballot all qualified applicants. These candidates will be announced by Friday, August 25th, 2023.
Voting will be open to all REALTOR® primary and secondary members beginning on or before Friday, September 15th. Voting will be conducted online, by absentee ballot requested via email or at the GFAR office, and in person at the annual membership meeting to be held on Wednesday, September 27th at 8 AM. Online and absentee voting will end Tuesday, September 26th at 5:00 PM. The Nominating Task Force will oversee the final voting opportunity and count ballots at the annual membership meeting where the new officers will be announced.
Contact GFAR staff with any questions.
Great Falls Association of REALTORS®|406-453-2752|

Montana Regional MLS Board of Governors Representative
The President of GFAR is accepting applications for a member to be appointed as GFAR’s representative on the MRMLS Board of Governors for a three-year term beginning on January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2027. Applications are available through the GFAR office. Completed applications must be received by 5:00 pm on Friday, August 18th, 2023